Unique combination of Ca, P, Vit.D3, B12 Along with Trace Minerals

Summary :-

A Unique formulation contains Calcium, Phosphorus, Vitamin D3, and vitamin B12, along with trace minerals (Zn, Cu and Mn)which helps to improve the production, Growth and egg shell quality in the birds. The trace minerals present in Nutrical D act as a coenzyme in many vital processess inthe body of the birds. There by helps to improves the production, body immunity and over all performance of the bird.

Composition :-

Each 100ml contains
Calcium : 3500 mg
Phosphorus : 1750 mg
Vitamin D3 : 16000IU
Vitamin D3 : 16000IU
Copper : 30mg
Manganese : 80mg
Zinc : 60mg


(Per 100 birds/day in drinking water)
Chicks - 5ml
Growers - 10ml
Layers/Finisher - 20ml

Presentations:- :-

1 LitreJar / 5 Litres